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Tropical Fish International | 1405 | 178th Street | Gardena | CA 90248

Phone: 310-515-9469
Fax: 310 205-440-1181

With its location in the middle of the Indian Ocean and its abundant selection of saltwater and freshwater tropical fish, Sri Lanka is the perfect source for all of your aquaria needs.

Freshwater & Saltwater Tropical Fish

Our Sri Lankan tropical fish farm breeds world-class livebearers and angels including some of the best fancy guppies available in the market today. Our guppies are hardy and have the colors, patterns and fins your customers demand. When it comes to saltwater aquaria, Sri Lanka is the premier source for many of your must have “bread & butter” items. Our Powder Blue Tangs, Cleaner Shrimp and Lionfish cannot be beat in either quality or price and, unlike other sources, our Sri Lankan marine fish are guaranteed 100% hand caught.

Aquacultured Live Rock

TFI is the first organization to be permitted to manufacture and export aquacultured live rock in Sri Lanka. We are proud to pioneer this manmade and sustainable product that helps to preserve our reefs worldwide. Our aquacultured Indian Ocean live rock is covered in growth and coralline algae. It also comes in a variety of shapes and sizes for a natural look that is almost undistinguishable from the real thing.

Direct Shipments and Consolidation Center

Our Sri Lankan farm and distribution center can ship livestock direct to any Fish & Wildlife designated port in the U.S. and throughout the world. Direct shipments offer the largest cost savings while minimizing handling and transportation times. Our Sri Lankan facility can also consolidate shipments from India, the Maldives and the Red Sea for added convenience and savings.